Monday, August 13, 2012

Affiliate programs selling - you do these 3 deadly mistakes with your promotion?

As a marketer your main goal is to make more affiliate sales with the program that has decided to promote. But many newbies make the mistake of choosing the program without first knowing whether the market is profitable for them.

Another mistake is that you try to start the markets that have no competition. It's called an untapped niche. This may be a viable choice, but most of the time, if there is competition, this means that there is money to be in this market.

When you think about it, thousands of affiliates to use tools like Affiliate Elite, and spy spyfu keyword to find highly profitable niches.

Although the Internet is a huge market, it is relatively easy to see what is happening there on a daily basis. There are many tools that allow you to find exactly what people are looking for and how many times have to research every single day. Wordtracker and Wordze help you do it very easily.

When you start your affiliate marketing the best thing is to start in established markets with buyers tried and repetitive, you want to tap into markets with millions of visitors, because they run a few errands.

I'm not saying you should start directly in the market, weight loss, for example, but you need to point a sub-niche of this large market. An example of a sub-recess may be loss of weight for women.

The product you are promoting does not please the men in this case. Do not make the mistake of trying to sell to everyone. This is the best way to make affiliate sales!

Let's recap ...

Mistake # 1: The choice of affiliate programs before recess

Mistake # 2: Promoting markets without money and without competition

Mistake # 3: trying to sell something to everyone.

Avoid these three mistakes and you're on track to earn your first affiliate sale....

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