Thursday, July 26, 2012

My Paso and undergraduate education at ITESM

I arrived in Monterrey, where this was a city that was developed to accomplish what is now a true metropolis, one of the most beneficial to Mexico's economic development. Monterrey is a true industrial city well-established enterprises supported, with technical professionals who contribute their knowledge for development in the region.

I entered the Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM) to study mechanical engineering-Admin (IMA) where to start the race took an introductory course to level of knowledge, especially when you come from abroad with another educational level, something that the authorities of Technology by then had already provided for the benefit of student learning.

I found a pluralistic student population, of course varied. given that there were many extranheros coming from Central America, South America and from different states of México.Integrabamos classes up to 20 people and it was already a point in favor of learning because it allowed us a more acermaniento with the facilitator and exchanges of ideas with teammates.

Tecnológico de Monterrey to the authorities at that time already had a clear vision of what would become in the future, shows created a center of academic excellence not only regionally, but nationally and internationally, such as the this. Added to this is another very interesting factor that many universities neglected, as is the linkage with the productive sectors in order to make way for the training of professionals, consonant with the needs, requerimentos needed to assist in its development, something that never at ITESM neglected since its inception.

Tin Plate Company and by then, one of the strongest companies Monterrey was fully linked to the TEC, it helped him to both.

We can never forget our training many years ago, that the profile of the professionals who were constantly Tec was reformed according to the needs of the environment, and a look that makes some little Latin American institutions, for example, is that students Engineering, whatever their terms were linked to internships obligatoias companies enabling them to assess how accurate the knowledge they were given according to the requirements of the time.

To this is added that there were laboratories in different subjects allowed to apply the theoretical knowledge with practical experience backed facilitators with extensive knowledge about it.

The Technology in their academic curriculum, were any engineering careers to follow, not ever a subject neglected in the formation of values ​​guaranteed in all professional ethical behavior, honesty, commitment, and was taught as compulsory subject Professional Ethics.

He had that most teachers were already graduate with their respective masters and some with doctorates, obtained in the United States recognized universities.

The teachers were always willing to provide collaboration in doubt, concern that the student has, very important to motivate the participant to properly use your potential, especially when you feel the support of teachers willing to address questions, suggestions, advice.

Along with academic excellence at that time gave us the ITESM had sports facilities in the interest of each participant to power according to the abilities, skills, integrate teams representing different disciplines organized Tec. Aspect that I personally enjoy.

Another relevant topic in the integral formation of the professional who was at the time, were the cultural, Technological Arts Society presenting acts from plays, popular music, classical music, dance, painting that provided in addition to cultural heritage is necessary to have a good food for the spirit, inviting professionals not to neglect his humanism.

The Technology provided all participants also use a library "Cervantes" that had complete literary works, manuscripts of great poets, that everyone could enjoy.

There was no problem for those who wanted to spend all day on the premises of the Institute were eligible because they were eating all kinds of Srvicios that would meet the basic needs of food and drinks

In addition to all this was the atmosphere of camaraderie among peers, teachers and authorities, to pay off an arid little town by then, and especially the character of Monterrey a bit closed.

Personally, my time in the TEC on my first opportunity allowed me to build expertise in the short term are not the results, but long term they crystallize into other giving way to new ones, to define a professional profile based on the confidence and trust yourself in the practice of the profession, thanks to the training given us.

Being evaluated each month in each of the sasignaturas to the bottom whether the participant has been identified with its responsibility, growth is significant, although it generates a bit of apathy by the commitment, however it is important for the teacher to determine where failures are both students, and the same teacher in the transmission of conocimeintos.

RESPONSIBILITY It is important to highlight the TEC, the control office then sent surveys to both the student's home and the family, which in my case of foreigners, as to my residence and my parents. This gave the parents a performance security of children.

Specifically my way through the Tec in my undergraduate education gave me responsibility, knowledge, motivation, safety, confidence throughout my professional life I have served and have given way to express themselves with other knowledge that they have contributed to the countries where labor has touched me, especially within higher education, even in the same Monterrey, where I had to develop the graduate program of the School of Management Gradudados and Industrial Engineering at the Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo, which is a reality .

There is no denying that my undergraduate training let me know to what extent was fully identified with the student's chosen or not, something I've been in constant self restroalimentando of it, in order to determine what I identify with my concerns . All this gave way to synergistically enhance some skills that would allow to obtain a broader view of what should be my practice, so I chose as a second step, consolidate my education through graduate studies, and just one of Llosa took in neither the old alma mater: ITESM, another reason for writing.

I appreciate that part of my training, I did thanks to a grant that allowed me Gobiertno American AID (American International Development), as well as some of my teachers, Vera, Arechiga, Junco, González Arce. the rector of the time and Edward Reyes Roel Garcia Salcido.

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