Tuesday, July 10, 2012

8 Techniques to Increase Motivation to Study

In Shall We multilevel and acquire new skills, as it depends on us to show we are true professionals and we take our business very seriously.

But for this, we implement study skills that allow us to assimilate the content, either a book or an e-book, videos etc.

8 Here I show you techniques to increase the motivation to study

1. Find design objectives and means to achieve them.

-Design and planificatelos next objectives, for example, in a week to learn how to build and optimize your blog.

2. Using active techniques.

-Take notes, make sketches, make summaries of seminars or reports, ask yourself questions and try to resolve them, and so on.

3. Seek to make studying a habit.

Get used to study every day at the same time and in the same room. Create a hambiente that suits you in your focus, put some relaxing music if that helps. Studies show that if you get 21 consecutive days to an action or actions, they become habits TAS

4. Rewarding the goals accomplished.

Give yourself small rewards when you get planned objectives.

5. Make an initial exertion.

'At first you may be hard and tedious but you have to work, when you acquire the habits of work and study, and will not cost you much.

6. Develop curiosity.

Is best served to those topics that most interest and this results in an easier to understand. If the subject or topic is rated as heavy and uninteresting attempts autoconvencerte in the background that is not scroll, try to find points of interest that pique your curiosity and used to study the active techniques.

7. Avoid distractions and distractions.

-Remove anything that can be distracting in the study site, noise, telephone, TV etc, and promotes a calm and relaxed.

8. Ten self-confidence.

-If you're a good student, your own efforts and results of operations and reinforcing your sense of security and motivate you to continue in school. But if you analyze the situation harvested failures with your sponsor, go to it and if it deems appropriate, but believes if your failure is due to a lack of interest on your part or do not know effective study techniques.


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But Martin Bezares

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