Friday, July 13, 2012

Financial Crisis: A Stimulus for Change

Some of us observe the strange happenings in the financial markets and their effects on commercial funds, but only move the head and were impressed. Others have a much more personal in this matter. We may have seen a reduction in our retirement accounts and ask how we sustain our retirement. Perhaps our funds are lost in a dramatic enough to cause sleepless nights and depression. Perhaps you are delaying the purchase of the new house you've always dreamed of, or even worse, maybe your dream home is being returned to the bank and ask yourself where your family will sleep tomorrow.

There are many opinions about the causes of the collapse of financial markets in the United States and its potential ramifications throughout the world. Is that the directives and senior executives share their fault for focusing only on themselves? In any case, were not the only ones making money. The search for easy money or quick dollar flowed everywhere. Greed ran rampant. Many people bought houses because they saw that they had more money than they want to be left out.

As we have seen very often in the past and recently in the "Internet bubble", all the speculation come to an end when there is no basis in reality. When you make money in such unreal proportions, without any solid base, what goes up must come down.

At the root of all this is the selfish desire for pleasure and for "me". We live in a culture that glorifies wealth, fame and power despite all the contrary evidence that they bring happiness. We could all agree that the lack of money can cause sadness, but can anyone point out any studies on the relationship of wealth with happiness? All you have to do is look at the lives of the rich and famous and see the misery caused to themselves and others.

They say it takes a significant emotional event to bring about change. Is our current financial situation could cause such an event? Is it possible that we are beginning to see that this greed is not good? Is it possible that we are beginning to see that happiness is not related to wealth, fame and power? What if the excess were to be embarrassing? What if people ennoble it "disinterested" and degrade the "stakeholders"? How would the world be if everyone would give more importance to others and not just ourselves?

This concept is a basic principle in authentic Kabbalah. So it's time to reveal this ancient wisdom, so to fulfill the rule "Love your neighbor as yourself?. In fact, it is better to give than to receive. Take a moment to close your eyes and imagine all the possibilities and potential if we all focus on helping each other. What seem our world? How would you feel being part of a whole wonderful? Unity!

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