Monday, July 23, 2012

10 Tips For Parents In Divorce And Child Custody

When there is a divorce situation, parents must work together to raise their children and not allow any of the issues that led to the divorce harm children. These tips are not all inclusive, but provide a basis for raising children in parental cooperation after divorce.

Co parenting is often referred to co-parenting after divorce, which is not only divorced couples with children involved. It is a resource that works well within the limits of a healthy relationship and family.

While these suggestions do not follow a particular order, the status of parenting after divorce can help with:

Avoid putting children in the center of conflict between parents. This requires a high level of self-awareness and objectivity about the needs of children. Do not let divorce conflicts persist. He comes to a swift and friendly as possible.

Establish and maintain appropriate boundaries even after divorce. Sometimes it is very difficult to convince the kids are fine with the other parent. If an activity does not hurt physically or mentally, avoiding what could be done to bring a different way. Believe it or not, children learn that there are benefits to find different ways of doing things. Neither parent will handle all situations the same way as the other. Get used to it.

Communicate regularly with the other parent and leave behind the differences in divorce. Share information. Particularly when children are young, the other parent needs to know the basics of parenting responsibilities in common. Do children are sick or healthy? Do you eat well? Do you bathe regularly? For older children, parents need to share information about school activities, sporting events, schedules, tours, etc..

Be respectful to the other parent, especially if they are in the process of divorce or if you still hold a grudge. This will help you maintain the relationship after the divorce with your ex partner, or that there will be less stressful for everyone, especially children. It also provides a good model for your children in terms of quality of life after divorce. Remember that it is no secret that children imitate what they see, so you should have more positive behavior towards them. It is vital for the healthy development of children to respect authority figures, including parents. This will lead to respect for school teachers and others.

Helping children to recognize the other parent or appropriate to give gift cards sometimes significant. This will help children develop their ability to express positive feelings toward others and make them feel good about themselves. It also helps to overcome the discomfort of divorce.

Offer praise when your children deserve it. This will help them be good people tomorrow. Help them to recognize the other parent's birthday, Mother's Day and Father's Day dates are good for it.

Teaching positive conflict resolution. This is very important and need much time to apply it well. Do not try to hide the conflicts that may arise. Of course, in the case of small conflicts. Children are very attentive and often know more about what's going on than we think. Use conflict as an opportunity to show kids the proper techniques of dispute resolution. And try to leave behind the problems that caused the divorce.

Maintaining consistency when it comes to discipline, meals and food choices and the care of children in general, whenever possible. This makes the transition from one home to another easier and minimizes the discomfort at the time of transition.

Children respond well to the rules and boundaries and quickly learn what they can expect from each parent. The more attuned you are less likely than children to act badly.

Share your ex partner what his or her need to raise children well. Avoid frequent schedule changes or last minute departures. Try to keep as much as possible the family structure prior to divorce. While each has different support needs, the main thing is to avoid ambiguities in communication. Be clear and concise.

Finding balance is significant when tasks parenting. Do not make the mistake of expecting to have conflicts. The biggest area of ​​risk is when it comes to discipline. Allowing a parent is always good and one bad end in disaster for both. Avoid this trap.

Work on shared parenting tasks in a way as equal as possible and allows the formation of good habits. Do not try to do all the good and fun, sometimes you have to get tough. Do not participate in one-way communication. Be flexible and reasonable.

Remember that laws and other family members also count. While primary responsibility is yours, you should not stay out of the family as uncles, aunts, cousins, etc.., But have not agreed on your divorce, you can help in raising children. They can therefore be a valuable resource when circumstances arise where parenting requires.

These were just 10 tips that can help in raising your children after divorce.

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