Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Applications For Mobile In The Driving: A Help or a distraction

In recent years there have been multiple campaigns throughout the world against mobile phone use behind the wheel. There is no denying that the phone is a huge distraction when we're behind the wheel, when we hold a telephone conversation diverting our attention moves progressively from the mobile phone road until you reach a point where we enter a situation of real danger, our time reaction is greatly increased and reached to forego up to 50% of signals or stimuli necessary for safe driving. This makes the unexpected on the road can become a hazard to which inexorably, often can not react in time.

Many mobile applications designed for drivers continue to pose a distraction, but as defending their designers and some groups, provided they are used correctly (programmable in standing and letting them run while driving) can help us improve our driving, save money, or even lower our stress levels.

This article simply aims to let you know some of these applications already on the market, and open the debate about their true value and in contrast, the potential risks that could arise as a source of distraction.

Your opinion is very important to us, so we invite you to participate actively in our blog (http://sageris-iberica.com/aplicaciones-para-moviles-en-la-conduccion/) and we write about your impressions and possible experience with this type of product.

RACE vialEsta Security implementation is complete and makes an effort to use the full functionality of the devices (GPS, google maps, camera, video player) to offer everything needed for safe driving.

The application has a direct access to phones like the DGT, national police, emergency etc ... maybe we do gain a few seconds key in case of accident.

It also includes a training section where we can watch videos about things that perhaps training given for granted but which involve some difficulties such as the placement of the chains or tire changes.

The application will provide us useful information on route such as the location of the radar or the location of the next gas station and the price of fuel.

As innovative feature would "report it" where the user can take a picture of a situation that you think might be a problem for road safety and send it along with a text in a few seconds.

Currently available for Apple and Android devices.


This is an application in which to enter contact parameters, destination and advance notice before starting the journey, makes an automatic call to the selected contact to be close to your destination.

Slow Down

This application works so as to have the Smartphone connected to your car stereo, when we exceed the speed limit starts playing music more slowly and when it exceeds speed limit by more than 10 km / h stops sounding music completely.

Augmented Driving

Augmented reality is becoming more leading applications for our smartphones but Augmented driving is the first one is aimed at drivers.

It is an application that takes pictures at intervals of time and is able to determine the position of the rails and vehicles with regard to your vehicle on the screen, alerting you when you are making a lane change or when you're not respecting the safety distance .

SmartPark This is an application that will increase your driving safety but it does increase the security of your pocket.

If you're sick of paying parking fines this application is highly recommended. This is a very simple application that works like a timer that alerts you when your ticket expires the time, also has the ability to save the position of your vehicle which will often help.

This application can be downloaded for free for the Iphone.

Rafa Martín


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