Saturday, September 8, 2012

Define your service culture

Organizations struggle to differentiate themselves from each other, usually costs a lot. In fact, it is often their culture of service that has one of the biggest impacts on customers and helping the client decide whether or not to do business with the organization.

What is a culture of service within an organization?

The answer to this question is that the culture is different for every organization. No two organizations operate in the same way, have the same concentration, or provide management that accomplishes the same results. Among other things, a culture includes values, beliefs, norms, rituals and practices of a group or organization. Any policy, procedure, action or inaction on the part of an organization and its employees contribute to the culture of the service. Most importantly, every employee plays a key role in communicating culture to its customers. This can include things like personal appearance, the way employees interact with customers and service providers' knowledge, skills and level of attitude. The culture also includes the company's products and services and the physical structure of the organization, equipment, or any other aspect of the organization with which the customer comes into contact.

Service culture is composed of many facets with each impact and helping customers determine the success or failure of the customer service initiatives. Too often organizations over-promise and under-deliver because their cultural systems and internal (infrastructure) does not have the ability to support customer service initiatives. For example, suppose that the management of an organization has its own marketing department to develop a slick piece of literature that describes all the benefits of a new product or service provided by a new body corporate partner. They then convene a special 800 number for answers, but fail to recruit additional staff or adequately train current employees to handle customer calls. The project is likely to fail.

The role of service philosophy and mission

In general, the approach of a business organization, or philosophy, is driven by the top of the organization. Upper management, including members of the board of directors, if necessary, set the vision or the tone and direction of the organization. Without a clearly planned and communicated vision, ethics, service ends at the highest levels. This is often an obstacle when many organizations falter because of indecision or dissension in high places.

Leadership, real and perceived, is crucial to the success of customer service. The members of top management in successful organizations become clearly visible to employees at the forefront and are in tune with the needs and expectations of the customer.

When members of management to remain locked up in the boardroom or who are perceived to spend their time in their office or on the golf course, employee devotion to good service is being tested. As the old adage goes "action speaks louder than words." While it is wonderful when organizations go to the trouble of developing a mission and hang nicely framed, or formal statement of philosophy on a wall, if not a functional way of life for employees, is of little use.

Roles and expectations of employees

There are many more tasks and responsibilities assigned to providers of customer service front line. According to the job description for a position and size and type of organization and sector, these roles and expectations may be similar from one organization to another, even performed in a variety of different ways. These roles and expectations are normally included in a job description and, finally, performance objectives that are established when an employee is hired. These roles and expectations are then updated as necessary during the term of the workplace. In the case of performance objectives, an employee is generally measured against established measures with / for them during a performance period and the employee is subsequently rewarded or not, depending on their performance results and organizational policy.

The key to success with a job description outlining the expectations and roles for each position is that they must be periodically reviewed and updated to include realistically actual responsibilities. This is because the work often change rapidly changing business environment of today and assigning new tasks are given verbally, but not committed to writing. It 's difficult for employees to be measured against the objectives and expectations if there is no consistency. Furthermore, when a new employee must be hired, those who are involved in the hiring process (eg, supervisors and human resources personnel) need a realistic picture of the typical responsibilities.

Create the best possible service culture

Two keys to building a successful organization through a culture of good service are the employees of an organization and its management philosophy.


To provide effective customer service, an organization must seriously engage and invest in its staff on the frontline. This means paying attention to the following factors:

- Recruit and hire the best candidates possible;

- Pay a competitive rate or more competitive;

- Create a work environment that helps motivate employees;

- Provide appropriate training and tools for them to do their job;

- Allow employees to make decisions appropriate to their level of experience, education and location;

- Provide the state of the art equipment and support to employees;

- Supervise and successful coach.

For supervisors and management to be effective in sustaining a positive culture of service, shall:

- Be aware of the organization and its products and services and industry, as well as, the contest;

- Have good communication skills;

- Treat each employee fairly and with respect;

- Allow employees to take responsibility and to exercise limited decision-making related to their work and customers;

- Provide frequent and constant coaching and support to employees (praise as well as constructive feedback);

- Act as a lawyer employee.


There are so many things that can affect the customer's decision to use the company's products and services that managers have no control. Culture is not one of those things. To be proactive and applying some sound customer service and management strategies, any organization can increase its holdings in the global business environment of today ....

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