Thursday, September 6, 2012

All can be yours Cheerleaders - Put Your "Champions" to work with you in Public Relations

Your company has customers, partners, suppliers, board members and others who are rooting for you to succeed. You just ask! It is not true and cheering for helping an organization that you liked and if you with good service? I call these "champions". People

Champions may have no interest in your success, except that they are satisfied with the service you provide, they like you and your team in person, they admire the drive, wants to help to continue the competition and would be very proud to look back one day and knowing that helped power sector, when it was only a few people in a small office for rent.

Champions may include:

* Customers

* Former Clients

* The Directors

* Colleagues in your association

* Colleagues in your chamber of commerce

* The Employees

* The former employees

* Sellers

* The Partners

* The Investors

* Friends

* Members of the family

Six benefits that the samples can provide for you:

1. Provide them with key messages and ask them to speak to the media if the opportunity arises.

2. Ask them to write testimonials for your website and marketing and sales kits (you can write these testimonials yourself and have them change the words according to their style - nothing wrong with that). Ensure that the collection of evidence deals with the language in those all-important corporate messages that we learned about earlier.

3. Writing an article for their signature in a publishing house specialized

4. You could call prospects and brag about how happy they are with your products and services.

5. They can serve as an advisory committee

6. You can quote your company in making presentations to industry groups.

Seven ways to treat your samples, as the fee are:

1. When you need a favor, do not be afraid to ask. Champions are willing to contribute with their experience and skills in order to leave them. Most of the time you need for them to do is make a phone call or two.

2. Keep them updated on your organization. Make them feel part of the "family". Send your sample company newsletters, press releases, press clips and other public communication.

3. It calls for an all-staff meeting once a year - and provide lunch - to learn about your team. If your customers are, let them tell your employees firsthand how their work makes a real difference.

4. Cross promote their organizations with yours. If you have a newsletter, from time to time refer to it as a company that you like. Enter information about them on your Web site, if applicable.

5. Send journalists their way if they did a good source for all the stories of the case even if the story had nothing to do with your company.

6. Send them a small token of appreciation once in a while.

7. Invite at industry events as your guest.

Do not forget one of the most important public: employees. Your samples are also among the most influential. Employees who are treated well and enjoy their work, are happy to talk with others .......

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