Friday, August 10, 2012

The great talent of one of the greats of Italy: Dante Alighieri

Dante Alighieri

Memory is the only paradise from which we can not be expelled. J. P. Richter

When you touch a visit to the beautiful, majestic Florence, can not fail to remind one of its greatest poets, literary talent as Dante Alighieri, "the Supreme Poet" (il Sommo Poeta). Dante is also called the "Father of the language" Italian. His first biography was written by Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375), who wrote the Trattatello in laude di Dantea his Divine Comedy, which is one of the fundamental works of the transition from medieval to Renaissance thought. It is considered the masterpiece of Italian literature and one of the summits of world literature

For those who had the opportunity in school, especially in high school many years ago Calaza religious school, a Spanish priest, why we get into the comedy Divide, enjoy the scope and especially about good explanations given to us, that was seared into our memory and yet in this we consider many of his phrases, compendium.

Take into account as it is known that La Vita Nuova ('New Life') is the first known work of Dante Alighieri, written between 1292 and 1293, shortly after the death of his beloved Beatrice. In the work alternating 31 lyric poems and 42 chapters in prose. The meaning of the title is given by the vital renewal experienced by the poet in love with his beloved. The prose part serves as an explanation of the sonnets, written according to the canons of the dolce stil nuovo, and chosen among them Dante had written since 1283, in honor of different women and their own Beatrice. Highlight some, like Donne ch'avete intelletto d'amore (Chapter V), or both gentile and therefore stop Onesta (Chapter XXVI). The explanations were written in prose, then in order to provide a framework narrative poems. The Vita Nuova is the ultimate expression of the sense of Dolce Stil Novo

During his student years coincided with Dante Alighieri, the poet Guido Cavalcanti, representative of the dolce stil nuovo, fifteen years his senior, who summoned and who became a disciple

Dante has written as many Florentines of those days, was involved in the conflict of Guelphs and Ghibellines. He fought in the Battle of Campaldino (the June 11, 1289), with Florentine Guelph knights against Arezzo Ghibellines, then in 1294 was among the knights who escorted Charles Martel of Anjou-Sicily (son of Charles I of Sicily ) while he was in Florence. In June 1290, is situated the date of the alleged death of Beatrice, at the age of 24 years.

Later in his political career, he became doctor and pharmacist. It was proposed not to exercise these professions, but a law issued in 1295 "the effect of the rules of Giano's Bella" required the nobility that sought public office should join a guild of di Arti e Mestieri Corporazioni, so Dante obtained rapid admission to the guild of the apothecaries. The profession he chose was not completely inept, his books sold in the shops of apothecaries. As a politician, did a little of importance

Wikipedia, gives us, we do not know the exact date of his birth, is often placed between May 21 and June 21, 1265.

It could have been given the name "In" in the Baptistery of Florence, and Dante could be hypocoristic version of the name. His family was a Florentine family whose real name is Alaghieri favorable to the Guelph party. His father, Alighiero of Bellincione, was a white Guelf, but suffered the vengeance of the Ghibellines, after his victory at the Battle of Montaperti. This salvation gave him a certain prestige to the family.

Dante's mother was Bella degli Abat and died when Dante was only 5 or 6 years. Alighiero Soon his father remarried to Lapa di Chiarissimo Cialuffise (there is controversy as to the marriage, suggesting that the two have come together without marriage, because of the difficulties raised, at the time, the marriage of widowers) . Dante's father had with her two children, Francesco and Tana (Gaetana).

While at his hometown in 1278, was a disciple of Brunetto Latini, who makes an appearance in Hell (canto XV), and was a friend of the poet Cavalcanti. When Dante was 12, became engaged to Gemma, daughter of Messer Manetto Donati, with whom he later married, in 1291. Marriages at ages as early negotiated were so frequent and constituted an important ceremony, requiring formal deeds signed before a notary. Dante had several sons with Gemma. As usual, some people call themselves natural children of a celebrity, as did Dante, and it is likely that Jacopo, Pietro and Antonia were real children. Antonia became a nun with the name of Sister Beatrice

It tells us that they were educated at home and studied Tuscan poetry and Buonagiunta Guittone Orbicciani Arezzo. At that time, the Sicilian School (Scuola poetica Sicilian), a cultural group from Sicily, Dante captivated. His areas of interest led him to know minstrels of Provence and the Latino culture. It also became clear his devotion to Virgil. He also studied the vernacular Italian, Latin (French language at that time), Provencal, and indeed some verses inserted this language in Purgatory.

Note that in the Middle Ages the fall of the Roman Empire left a dozen small states, so Sicily was culturally and politically distant from Tuscany, as this was the Provence region did not share the same language nor the same culture and the media were difficult.

When I was 9 years met Beatrice Portinari, the daughter of Folco Portinari, which fell in love "at first sight", and apparently without even having spoken to him. He saw her frequently after age 18, often exchanging greetings in the street, but never got to know it well - he proposed effectively in the event such courtly love.

It is difficult to understand what this love actually comprised, but something extremely important for Italian culture was happening. It was in the name of this love that Dante gave his impression that would influence Dolce stil nuovo poets and writers to discover the theme of love which has never been as pronounced. The love for Beatrice, it seemed, was the reason for his poetry and his life, along with their political passions.

When Beatrice died in 1290, Dante tried to find a refuge in Latin literature. Then he devoted himself to philosophical studies at religious schools such as Santa Maria Novella.

This passion "excessive" for philosophy would later criticized by the character of Beatrice in the Purgatorio, the second book of the Divine Comedy.

Wikipedia reminds us that De Vulgari Eloquentia (The Eloquence in the vernacular) is the title of an essay by Dante Alighieri, written in Latin and initially would consist of four books, but aborted the idea Dante after the second. It was probably written in the years before Dante's exile from his native Florence, between 1303 and 1305. Latino trials were very popular in the Middle Ages, but Dante made some innovations to work

His great work The Divine Comedy, we are reminded, is an epic allegory written in tercets chains between 1304 and his death, considered one of the masterpieces of Italian literature and mundialNumerosos painters of all time, she created illustrations stand out Botticelli, Gustave Doré and Dali. Dante wrote in the Tuscan dialect, parent of the current Italian, which was used between the eleventh and twelfth centuries. The book is divided into three parts: Hell, Purgatory and Paradise

Each of its parts is divided into 33 cantos, in turn composed of triplets. The composition of the poem is arranged according to the symbolism of the number three (number symbolizing the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as well as the number three symbolizes the balance and stability in some cultures, and that is also related to the triangle): three main characters, Dante, who personifies the man, Beatrice, who personifies the faith, and Virgil, who personifies the reason

Do not forget as indicated already in the fifteenth century, many Italian cities had set up groups of specialists dedicated to the study of The Divine Comedy. During the centuries that followed the invention of printing, appeared more than 400 different editions in Italy alone. The epic has inspired Dante also many artists, to the point illustrated editions have appeared by the Italian Renaissance master Sandro Botticelli and Miguel? Angel, by the English artists John Flaxman and William Blake, and by the French illustrator Gustave Doré. The Italian composer Gioacchino Antonio Rossini and the German Robert Schumann put music to some fragments of the poem, and the Hungarian Franz Liszt was inspired by him to compose a symphonic poem. The Divine Comedy has been translated into over 25 languages., gives us, with vivid language and rich expressive, the poet mixes elements symbolic references to historical and mythological characters to build a balanced and grand synthesis of knowledge accumulated by mankind since classical antiquity to the Middle Ages

Memory is the only paradise from which we can not be expelled. J. P. Richter

When you touch a visit to the beautiful, majestic Florence, can not fail to remind one of its greatest poets, literary talent as Dante Alighieri, "the Supreme Poet" (il Sommo Poeta). Dante is also called the "Father of the language" Italian. His first biography was written by Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375), who wrote the Trattatello in laude di Dantea his Divine Comedy, which is one of the fundamental works of the transition from medieval to Renaissance thought. It is considered the masterpiece of Italian literature and one of the summits of world literature

For those who had the opportunity in school, especially in high school many years ago Calaza religious school, a Spanish priest, why we get into the comedy Divide, enjoy the scope and especially about good explanations given to us, that was seared into our memory and yet in this we consider many of his phrases, compendium.

Take into account as it is known that La Vita Nuova ('New Life') is the first known work of Dante Alighieri, written between 1292 and 1293, shortly after the death of his beloved Beatrice. In the work alternating 31 lyric poems and 42 chapters in prose. The meaning of the title is given by the vital renewal experienced by the poet in love with his beloved. The prose part serves as an explanation of the sonnets, written according to the canons of the dolce stil nuovo, and chosen among them Dante had written since 1283, in honor of different women and their own Beatrice. Highlight some, like Donne ch'avete intelletto d'amore (Chapter V), or both gentile and therefore stop Onesta (Chapter XXVI). The explanations were written in prose, then in order to provide a framework narrative poems. The Vita Nuova is the ultimate expression of the sense of Dolce Stil Novo

During his student years coincided with Dante Alighieri, the poet Guido Cavalcanti, representative of the dolce stil nuovo, fifteen years his senior, who summoned and who became a disciple

Dante has written as many Florentines of those days, was involved in the conflict of Guelphs and Ghibellines. He fought in the Battle of Campaldino (the June 11, 1289), with Florentine Guelph knights against Arezzo Ghibellines, then in 1294 was among the knights who escorted Charles Martel of Anjou-Sicily (son of Charles I of Sicily ) while he was in Florence. In June 1290, is situated the date of the alleged death of Beatrice, at the age of 24 years.

Later in his political career, he became doctor and pharmacist. It was proposed not to exercise these professions, but a law issued in 1295 "the effect of the rules of Giano's Bella" required the nobility that sought public office should join a guild of di Arti e Mestieri Corporazioni, so Dante obtained rapid admission to the guild of the apothecaries. The profession he chose was not completely inept, his books sold in the shops of apothecaries. As a politician, did a little of importance

Wikipedia, gives us, we do not know the exact date of his birth, is often placed between May 21 and June 21, 1265.

It could have been given the name "In" in the Baptistery of Florence, and Dante could be hypocoristic version of the name. His family was a Florentine family whose real name is Alaghieri favorable to the Guelph party. His father, Alighiero of Bellincione, was a white Guelf, but suffered the vengeance of the Ghibellines, after his victory at the Battle of Montaperti. This salvation gave him a certain prestige to the family.

Dante's mother was Bella degli Abat and died when Dante was only 5 or 6 years. Alighiero Soon his father remarried to Lapa di Chiarissimo Cialuffise (there is controversy as to the marriage, suggesting that the two have come together without marriage, because of the difficulties raised, at the time, the marriage of widowers) . Dante's father had with her two children, Francesco and Tana (Gaetana).

While at his hometown in 1278, was a disciple of Brunetto Latini, who makes an appearance in Hell (canto XV), and was a friend of the poet Cavalcanti. When Dante was 12, became engaged to Gemma, daughter of Messer Manetto Donati, with whom he later married, in 1291. Marriages at ages as early negotiated were so frequent and constituted an important ceremony, requiring formal deeds signed before a notary. Dante had several sons with Gemma. As usual, some people call themselves natural children of a celebrity, as did Dante, and it is likely that Jacopo, Pietro and Antonia were real children. Antonia became a nun with the name of Sister Beatrice

It tells us that they were educated at home and studied Tuscan poetry and Buonagiunta Guittone Orbicciani Arezzo. At that time, the Sicilian School (Scuola poetica Sicilian), a cultural group from Sicily, Dante captivated. His areas of interest led him to know minstrels of Provence and the Latino culture. It also became clear his devotion to Virgil. He also studied the vernacular Italian, Latin (French language at that time), Provencal, and indeed some verses inserted this language in Purgatory.

Note that in the Middle Ages the fall of the Roman Empire left a dozen small states, so Sicily was culturally and politically distant from Tuscany, as this was the Provence region did not share the same language nor the same culture and the media were difficult.

When I was 9 years met Beatrice Portinari, the daughter of Folco Portinari, which fell in love "at first sight", and apparently without even having spoken to him. He saw her frequently after age 18, often exchanging greetings in the street, but never got to know it well - he proposed effectively in the event such courtly love.

It is difficult to understand what this love actually comprised, but something extremely important for Italian culture was happening. It was in the name of this love that Dante gave his impression that would influence Dolce stil nuovo poets and writers to discover the theme of love which has never been as pronounced. The love for Beatrice, it seemed, was the reason for his poetry and his life, along with their political passions.

When Beatrice died in 1290, Dante tried to find a refuge in Latin literature. Then he devoted himself to philosophical studies at religious schools such as Santa Maria Novella.

This passion "excessive" for philosophy would later criticized by the character of Beatrice in the Purgatorio, the second book of the Divine Comedy.

Wikipedia reminds us that De Vulgari Eloquentia (The Eloquence in the vernacular) is the title of an essay by Dante Alighieri, written in Latin and initially would consist of four books, but aborted the idea Dante after the second. It was probably written in the years before Dante's exile from his native Florence, between 1303 and 1305. Latino trials were very popular in the Middle Ages, but Dante made some innovations to work

His great work The Divine Comedy, we are reminded, is an epic allegory written in tercets chains between 1304 and his death, considered one of the masterpieces of Italian literature and mundialNumerosos painters of all time, she created illustrations stand out Botticelli, Gustave Doré and Dali. Dante wrote in the Tuscan dialect, parent of the current Italian, which was used between the eleventh and twelfth centuries. The book is divided into three parts: Hell, Purgatory and Paradise

Each of its parts is divided into 33 cantos, in turn composed of triplets. The composition of the poem is arranged according to the symbolism of the number three (number symbolizing the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as well as the number three symbolizes the balance and stability in some cultures, and that is also related to the triangle): three main characters, Dante, who personifies the man, Beatrice, who personifies the faith, and Virgil, who personifies the reason

Do not forget as indicated already in the fifteenth century, many Italian cities had set up groups of specialists dedicated to the study of The Divine Comedy. During the centuries that followed the invention of printing, appeared more than 400 different editions in Italy alone. The epic has inspired Dante also many artists, to the point illustrated editions have appeared by the Italian Renaissance master Sandro Botticelli and Miguel? Angel, by the English artists John Flaxman and William Blake, and by the French illustrator Gustave Doré. The Italian composer Gioacchino Antonio Rossini and the German Robert Schumann put music to some fragments of the poem, and the Hungarian Franz Liszt was inspired by him to compose a symphonic poem. The Divine Comedy has been translated into over 25 languages., gives us, with vivid language and rich expressive, the poet mixes elements symbolic references to historical and mythological characters to build a balanced and grand synthesis of knowledge accumulated by mankind since classical antiquity to the Middle Ages

Memory is the only paradise from which we can not be expelled. J. P. Richter

When you touch a visit to the beautiful, majestic Florence, can not fail to remind one of its greatest poets, literary talent as Dante Alighieri, "the Supreme Poet" (il Sommo Poeta). Dante is also called the "Father of the language" Italian. His first biography was written by Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375), who wrote the Trattatello in laude di Dantea his Divine Comedy, which is one of the fundamental works of the transition from medieval to Renaissance thought. It is considered the masterpiece of Italian literature and one of the summits of world literature

For those who had the opportunity in school, especially in high school many years ago Calaza religious school, a Spanish priest, why we get into the comedy Divide, enjoy the scope and especially about good explanations given to us, that was seared into our memory and yet in this we consider many of his phrases, compendium.

Take into account as it is known that La Vita Nuova ('New Life') is the first known work of Dante Alighieri, written between 1292 and 1293, shortly after the death of his beloved Beatrice. In the work alternating 31 lyric poems and 42 chapters in prose. The meaning of the title is given by the vital renewal experienced by the poet in love with his beloved. The prose part serves as an explanation of the sonnets, written according to the canons of the dolce stil nuovo, and chosen among them Dante had written since 1283, in honor of different women and their own Beatrice. Highlight some, like Donne ch'avete intelletto d'amore (Chapter V), or both gentile and therefore stop Onesta (Chapter XXVI). The explanations were written in prose, then in order to provide a framework narrative poems. The Vita Nuova is the ultimate expression of the sense of Dolce Stil Novo

During his student years coincided with Dante Alighieri, the poet Guido Cavalcanti, representative of the dolce stil nuovo, fifteen years his senior, who summoned and who became a disciple

Dante has written as many Florentines of those days, was involved in the conflict of Guelphs and Ghibellines. He fought in the Battle of Campaldino (the June 11, 1289), with Florentine Guelph knights against Arezzo Ghibellines, then in 1294 was among the knights who escorted Charles Martel of Anjou-Sicily (son of Charles I of Sicily ) while he was in Florence. In June 1290, is situated the date of the alleged death of Beatrice, at the age of 24 years.

Later in his political career, he became doctor and pharmacist. It was proposed not to exercise these professions, but a law issued in 1295 "the effect of the rules of Giano's Bella" required the nobility that sought public office should join a guild of di Arti e Mestieri Corporazioni, so Dante obtained rapid admission to the guild of the apothecaries. The profession he chose was not completely inept, his books sold in the shops of apothecaries. As a politician, did a little of importance

Wikipedia, gives us, we do not know the exact date of his birth, is often placed between May 21 and June 21, 1265.

It could have been given the name "In" in the Baptistery of Florence, and Dante could be hypocoristic version of the name. His family was a Florentine family whose real name is Alaghieri favorable to the Guelph party. His father, Alighiero of Bellincione, was a white Guelf, but suffered the vengeance of the Ghibellines, after his victory at the Battle of Montaperti. This salvation gave him a certain prestige to the family.

Dante's mother was Bella degli Abat and died when Dante was only 5 or 6 years. Alighiero Soon his father remarried to Lapa di Chiarissimo Cialuffise (there is controversy as to the marriage, suggesting that the two have come together without marriage, because of the difficulties raised, at the time, the marriage of widowers) . Dante's father had with her two children, Francesco and Tana (Gaetana).

While at his hometown in 1278, was a disciple of Brunetto Latini, who makes an appearance in Hell (canto XV), and was a friend of the poet Cavalcanti. When Dante was 12, became engaged to Gemma, daughter of Messer Manetto Donati, with whom he later married, in 1291. Marriages at ages as early negotiated were so frequent and constituted an important ceremony, requiring formal deeds signed before a notary. Dante had several sons with Gemma. As usual, some people call themselves natural children of a celebrity, as did Dante, and it is likely that Jacopo, Pietro and Antonia were real children. Antonia became a nun with the name of Sister Beatrice

It tells us that they were educated at home and studied Tuscan poetry and Buonagiunta Guittone Orbicciani Arezzo. At that time, the Sicilian School (Scuola poetica Sicilian), a cultural group from Sicily, Dante captivated. His areas of interest led him to know minstrels of Provence and the Latino culture. It also became clear his devotion to Virgil. He also studied the vernacular Italian, Latin (French language at that time), Provencal, and indeed some verses inserted this language in Purgatory.

Note that in the Middle Ages the fall of the Roman Empire left a dozen small states, so Sicily was culturally and politically distant from Tuscany, as this was the Provence region did not share the same language nor the same culture and the media were difficult.

When I was 9 years met Beatrice Portinari, the daughter of Folco Portinari, which fell in love "at first sight", and apparently without even having spoken to him. He saw her frequently after age 18, often exchanging greetings in the street, but never got to know it well - he proposed effectively in the event such courtly love.

It is difficult to understand what this love actually comprised, but something extremely important for Italian culture was happening. It was in the name of this love that Dante gave his impression that would influence Dolce stil nuovo poets and writers to discover the theme of love which has never been as pronounced. The love for Beatrice, it seemed, was the reason for his poetry and his life, along with their political passions.

When Beatrice died in 1290, Dante tried to find a refuge in Latin literature. Then he devoted himself to philosophical studies at religious schools such as Santa Maria Novella.

This passion "excessive" for philosophy would later criticized by the character of Beatrice in the Purgatorio, the second book of the Divine Comedy.

Wikipedia reminds us that De Vulgari Eloquentia (The Eloquence in the vernacular) is the title of an essay by Dante Alighieri, written in Latin and initially would consist of four books, but aborted the idea Dante after the second. It was probably written in the years before Dante's exile from his native Florence, between 1303 and 1305. Latino trials were very popular in the Middle Ages, but Dante made some innovations to work

His great work The Divine Comedy, we are reminded, is an epic allegory written in tercets chains between 1304 and his death, considered one of the masterpieces of Italian literature and mundialNumerosos painters of all time, she created illustrations stand out Botticelli, Gustave Doré and Dali. Dante wrote in the Tuscan dialect, parent of the current Italian, which was used between the eleventh and twelfth centuries. The book is divided into three parts: Hell, Purgatory and Paradise

Each of its parts is divided into 33 cantos, in turn composed of triplets. The composition of the poem is arranged according to the symbolism of the number three (number symbolizing the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as well as the number three symbolizes the balance and stability in some cultures, and that is also related to the triangle): three main characters, Dante, who personifies the man, Beatrice, who personifies the faith, and Virgil, who personifies the reason

Do not forget as indicated already in the fifteenth century, many Italian cities had set up groups of specialists dedicated to the study of The Divine Comedy. During the centuries that followed the invention of printing, appeared more than 400 different editions in Italy alone. The epic has inspired Dante also many artists, to the point illustrated editions have appeared by the Italian Renaissance master Sandro Botticelli and Miguel? Angel, by the English artists John Flaxman and William Blake, and by the French illustrator Gustave Doré. The Italian composer Gioacchino Antonio Rossini and the German Robert Schumann put music to some fragments of the poem, and the Hungarian Franz Liszt was inspired by him to compose a symphonic poem. The Divine Comedy has been translated into over 25 languages., gives us, with vivid language and rich expressive, the poet mixes elements symbolic references to historical and mythological characters to build a balanced and grand synthesis of knowledge accumulated by mankind since classical antiquity to the Middle Ages.

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