Saturday, August 18, 2012
Why cheap knives will end up costing You More then money!
Why should I pay $ 25 to $ 400 for folding knife you ask? I can not find one that looks just like a brand name that I want, but for $ 8.95 at the swap meet or on the Internet?
The answer is the same for all things: You get what you pay for. Secondly, if all you want is a knife for opening letters, food or packaged cold eye on your desk, a good market could do well. However, if you actually intend to use the knife as a utility player, I strongly recommend that you avoid buying a cheap shot at knife because it will break off very easily, and the steel is often frail or has a low degree of hardness Rockwell . Sharpening is also more difficult and the blade does not hold a sharp edge much longer.
Another point to consider is the reliability factor. If you bought the knife for the wilderness, self-defense or as an emergency tool, you want to have confidence in the strength of the locking mechanism, steel blade and the overall integrity of the building. You do not want the blade of the knife halfway or popping right off the handle because of some minor lateral pressure when the blade locks into some wood or other material.
I had some of these cheap shots out of knives and are rubbish. Are weakly made with poor quality steel. I go to gun shows, and very often you see a table full of knives advertised as "any knife $ 5 or $ 10". The knives' appear as if the seller simply thrown out of a cardboard box. Are scratched, and the parts fit together, there are gaps between the parties that should be secure. There is a reason for the knife is only $ 5 or $ 10.
Think about this ..... the knife was made in a foreign country and then shipped to a warehouse in the United States where some distributor bought them and sold them to retailers knife. Factor in the cost of materials, construction costs, shipping costs, inventory costs, distribution costs and finally the retail markup, and your $ 10 or $ 15 knife actually has about $ 2 in materials of construction and the value in it. So ....... When you buy the $ 5, $ 10 or $ 15 knife, remember that when you get into trouble you are only willing to spend about $ 2 to get safely though. Just something to think about.
I know the temptation is great to not spend a lot of money, but do not actually have to spend a lot of money to get a quality knife. Cynscorion Products offers a wide selection of basic black, two-to three-inch blade tactical folding knives that can be purchased from Cold Steel CRKT for example, or for as little as $ 29 to $ 45. No need to spend $ 100 to $ 300 for the status symbol than knives end semi-custom design folding. Some of the best knife values can be found in the Cold Steel Voyager or Gunsite series and the M-16 CRKT series. These are very strong, high quality and popular folding knives. I own several myself. My favorites are the carry knives CRKT M-1 and M-16.
Conduits are another area to be aware. Some manufacturers sell fixed blade knives with sheaths as a complete package. Some unscrupulous sellers can separate the knife from the sheath and then supplement the sheath. Check the manufacturer's website or call them and ask for a knife makes you interested to come with any accessories? Sheaths at low cost can also be dangerous. Are you looking sheaths in tissue without a protective coating. Think about this. Do you really want by pushing a sharp knife in a holder attached to the fabric unprotected leg or your life? Try to get a good or Kydex sheath-like material.
The quality of their knives also manufactures warranty against defects and usually replace their knives very quickly when sent in. Try returning a product chinese cheap swap meet her knife after it breaks.
The tests were made on these knives cheap to see how the lateral force and down the blade is required to break or block. These knives always break with surprisingly little force. Remember, ...... were made to look like the real thing, not ...... HOW IT WORKS OR last year as the knife real brand name. Just like a shot off Rolex or Montblanc pen, the point is to look like the original, and this is what you are paying only ..... Seems. And some off beat you can not even look that good.
You must also be aware of some sellers who try to pass off cheap knock off knives like the real thing. If you are shopping for a quality knife and met a great deal potentially slow down and look at the details. Check the following:
1. If you can, visit the web site produces the knife you are interested and down load all the information on the appropriate knife. Check the specifications for materials of construction, length, width, weight, color and type of blade and down load all the images of the blade and the point where the blade meets the handle. Studying the information and take it with you when you shop to compare them with the knife body.
2. Watch the knife carefully. How closely depends on the seller offers a good deal. Read the inscription on the blade. Look for spelling errors, inconsistent face type and quality of imprinting. Look for the type of steel blade and the county of manufacture. Compare the knife to the downloaded pictures and information.
3. Next check the box and the instruction / owners manual that comes with the knife. All the brand produces a booklet available on their upkeep and guarantee security. If the seller says there is no box or instruction manual start to wonder and look very closely at the knife. It is also the knife is sold as new or used? A knife can not be used with the box or instruction manual.
4. Sale of knives on the Internet at low cost is to be avoided at all costs. It is not possible to physically hold the knife. The seller can provide images of fire, or not fully describe the knife. Then there's the old, "I do not know much about them. I am only selling for a friend" excuse. Also try the following sentences: "Cold as Steel" "CRKT as", "style CRKT", "Style SOG" or similar phrases. A knife can be a knife Cold Steel or less.
5. Finally, listen to your inner voice. Do you feel uncomfortable or certain that the knife is authentic? And if you're in a store always get a written receipt, which specifically identifies the name of the knife and the model and find out the return policy.
Nothing is safe. But buying a knife that usually sells for $ 49 dollars to $ 25 dollars should be a warning sign that something is potentially fish.
Now back to the title of our history. Guess what happens after the shot breaks off the cheap knife? Hopefully not, after you return from the hospital after the block fails, and you cut your fingers. You buy another knife! If the knife was just cheaply made then you could buy a dozen and throw them away when they break, but then your spending the same money or more for a quality knife and there is no need to worry about your fingers remember that there is also a producer who replaces knife if it breaks and do not abuse it.
Oh yes, please do not use a knife as a pry bar, a cutting tool is not a screwdriver, pry bar or hammer. And 'so that almost all the knives and broken producers know it.
Buy a Multi-Tool if you need a knife / screwdriver / mini pry bars / Pier tools.
So ..... the moral of the story is that you can not buy a Ferrari for the price of a Chevy Cavalier or a Rolex or $ 40. This is not reality. So do not expect to buy a good quality 2 or 3 inch folding knife for $ 16.
Now that I've explained why you should not buy a cheap shot off knife is time to give you a bit 'of information on buying a quality knife.
If you buy the top quality folding knife or knife 20, is exciting, but also not an easy task. With the number of knives out there, it is difficult to know which one to choose. I hope this discussion helps.
Quality knives if folders or tactical fixed blade fighting / hunting knives can be expensive and you can quickly spend a lot of money. If you intend to buy only one or more knives you need to think through your knife purchase. Some people shop every day, a knife, a knife, a dress to go shooting knife, a hunting knife and then a few more knives because it looked cool. This is fine until you can afford. You must decide if you're just going to buy one or two general purpose knives or start a collection and think about how to build that collection.
Before deciding to purchase a knife or start a collection of think about what you intend to use the knife (s) for, and how any particular knife is part of a larger whole. I am not saying not to buy more knives, just to buy wisely so as to minimize the number of knives you will throw in a drawer gathering dust, or give away.
When I initially became interested knives, I started this road, but fortunately I got before I got too much and began to wonder why I need this knife? I usually respond with .... because the knife is better than last year or does it "whatever" better than last year. Soon I realized that I bought the knives in the past were for the wrong reasons. I just bought because they were in front of me and it looked good. So ..... Where is this?
Before deciding to purchase a knife or start a collection of think about what you intend to use the knife (s) for, and how any particular knife is part of a larger whole. I'm not saying not to buy more knives, just to buy wisely to minimize the number of knives you will throw in a drawer gathering dust.
Knife Features to Consider
Buy the best quality possible. (Duh!) All the knives I sell are of high quality producers. They want to buy knives and possess me. In fact, I have a couple from some of these brands and will probably buy a little 'more. So, if you select a knife you will sell at least buy a knife to quality and attention to a point.
Fixed blade or folding:
First determine the intended use of the knife. A knife for hunting, survival, or the desert will probably be better served by a 6 or 7 inch fixed blade knife. The way I see things, fixed blades are great for hunting hunting, fishing, and Soldier Bear. They are designed for outdoor use in the desert or mountains or combat situations and survival. In any case, are generally not practical to carry around the house or in town or in a pocket or attached to your belt. At best, people will think of you as a nut case playing Rambo, at worst they will call the police. Big mean looking knife and a suburban environment do not mix. Furthermore, these large knives blades are mostly illegal concealed carry or outdoors.
Knife-blade folding knife is a much more convenient to carry and use. Folding knives can be carried in a trouser pocket without the typical sagging or clipped inside the waist band pants, inside a bag or a personal calendar. They are light weight, and most times below the maximum legal length of the blade of the local government.
Important point! Check with the local police in person or check the local municipal codes online to find out what the maximum length of the blade is legal for your area. It is almost always less than 3.5 inches and could be as low as 2 inches. Get caught with a knife above the legal limit and has a concealed weapon.
Folding knives have made incredible progress in the construction and design in recent years. Closing mechanisms reflect the increased profits in my opinion. Blade styles, handle materials and shapes are beautiful, but they really do improve the knife? G-10 has a handle against a plastic Micarta or Kydex handle really improve the cut of the knife? I think it is a knife handle material mostly a preference issue, but does not create a measurable benefit to the knife or its ability to cut.
Two of the most recent materials titanium and Kevlar bring a smile on my face. Think about it. Titanium. It 's lighter and stronger than steel and was originally developed for parts of aircraft engines to withstand extreme heat of a jet engine. This material on a handle of the knife folding knife makes the best, ...... how?? For the extreme cost of titanium than once to save weight, I do not see the advantage to say aluminum.
Kevlar is used for bullet resistant vests but now is used for knife handles. Because I'm still trying to figure it out. Question? What will you do with a knife handle Kevlar? Are you going to deflect a barrage of 15 bullets with the knife at hand dandy bullet resistant?
When I choose a knife handle material seeking a material that does not slip when wet, does not chip or crack easily and is durable. Aluminum and plastics any wonder today are lightweight and strong enough for my needs knife handle materials and by far cheaper to buy then titanium or Kevlar. Wood was the historian of the knife handle material as bone or deer. In fact, over the centuries just about every material has been used for knife handles. However I am limiting my discussion to the materials most likely to be found on the modern tactical folding knife.
Just choose the handle design and the material that suits you. A knife is a very personal choice.
Blades of folding knives come in various styles and shapes and every designer / manufacturer wants you to think that theirs is the best. Well, I think they are all equally good just different design. Some may have advantages over others for particular situations, but for general use I do not think that a point of Clip, Just Point, Drop Point or changed anything really going to matter significantly functionally. Choose the blade style that appeals to you.
I think it's all a matter of design preference and the need for manufacturers to come up with something new every year.
I think the two major points to consider (pun intended) are made of steel and edge type.
These two characteristics directly affect the cutting ability, the ability to participate and sharpening the edge of the knife. Think about it. The purpose of the knife stay sharp and cut. Everything else is secondary, or aesthetic. Certainly important, but secondary. So ......
First choose a quality steel that is resistant to rust, holds an edge well and is easy to sharpen. There are many steels used in knives out there right now, and some are junk. If you are not sure what kind of steel of the knife, ask.
Look for the type of steel blade and how visible is mentioned in an advertisement. A knife from a quality manufacturer like Cold Steel, CRKT, Benchmade, or will tell you that use steel. The knife or knives economic commerative just say stainless steel. Even 440 A and B are very different and very low quality, then 440-C steel. Ask to be sure it is at least 440-C.
Many people have their opinions on which is the best steel blade. Just like that truck, beer, or whatever is the best. I like 440-C, AUS-6, AUS-8, 154CM, ATS 34 and S30V. There are other alloys of steel just as good out there that list some of my pages of information. All have different advantages and less on the edge sealing capacity, cost and ease of sharpening. I'm not a fan of steel, I'm just trying to provide some basic information and keep things simple. For more information on knife steels go
Normal or serrated
What kind of knife you get? Good question. You have a choice of plain edge (what most people think of as a knife blade), fully serrated or partially serrated.
What is it gonna be? Decisions, decisions.
1. Smooth-edged knives to beautiful smooth clean cuts are the easiest to sharpen the edge and not get caught on fibrous materials. However, they require a little 'cut fibrous materials more effort.
2. Serrated knives have been around for a long time, but most people are not accustomed to them. Indentations can be best described as the teeth with knives. Normally consist of alternating large and small concave teeth to provide a small smooth cutting surface and points of ripping. Fully serrated are great for cutting through the fibrous materials, such as seat belts for cars and other hard materials such as twigs of wood. This is because at the bottom tear through the material of which they are cut. But some difficulties have little to cut the rope or string as the materials then a plain edge knife because the rolls of rope or string in the teeth rather than sideways. It will cut, but you need to work a little 'better then a plain edge knife.
Serrated knives are generally more difficult to sharpen without filing down the serrations. It takes practice and a special tool designed for sharpening serrations. There are many different styles of teeth out there so watch them all and decide what may be the best for you if you want a serrated knife.
3. Partially serrated knives are the most popular style because they are a good compromise between simple and serrated edges. The grooves are even more difficult to refine and smooth the edge, but there are fewer of them to sharpen.
None of the three styles mentioned above are the best and worst designs. There are several models, each designed to specialized tasks. Before buying a knife need to ask what tasks may be more likely to cut and buy accordingly. You can also buy the same two-bladed knife in a different style if you like the knife and have the money.
An opening device
Back in the days when people referred to as jack knives, tactical folding knives, the opening system was both simple and reliable. It was a recess in the upper part of the blade (where most of the knives now place a pin of an inch), and your nail. To open the knife, put the nail in the finger recess and pull the blade sticking out. Then grab the blade with your thumb and forefinger to fully open the knife. This system has worked for many decades until 1980. This system was slow but reliable.
When the knife has become a new Tactical Folder better system has been developed to quickly flick the knife open. The new device is pin and cut out your thumb. Both work on the same principle. The blade cut style Spyderco permit the user to position the base or pad of the thumb in the opening and with a pressure swing the blade rotating in continuous motion. The other most common device for opening new style is the pivot of the thumb.
This is a small metal quarter inch overhang at the top or the spine of the blade that projects at an angle of 90 degrees from the blade. The user places thumb on the pin and with a single pressure swing by rotating the blade in continuous movement. Cold Steel uses the style of the blade opening thumb stud.
Two new styles of blade opening systems have recently been on the market from Kershaw and CRKT. Some models of knife Kershaw (chives, shallots and leeks) are with a trademark "Speed Assist" method of opening the knife. It consists of a metal protrusion on the upper back of the blade which serves two proposes. When it is closed serves as the activation for the speed of the assistance system which is a small metal spring that feeds the blade, once opened, is pushed onto the ledge metal. The spring will not open the knife without a good push finger.
Columbia River Knife and Tool Company put on some models (Series M) metal protruding like if there is no spring assist. It's called "Carson Flipper" works similarly, but requires action and a little stronger finger 'of wrist motion. The total movement is much smaller. The Knife opens easily and quickly. I have one myself and am completely satisfied and confident with it.
Look at all the different opening mechanisms and choose what they like best. Some people prefer the Spyderco system, while others swear by the thumb stud or flipper style protrusions.
To stay in business knife manufacturers need to come out with a new knife designs year (New and Improved).
The problem is that the knives have been around for thousands of years. So there is very little that is really new out there. A knife is a low tech. So when you look at the various designs to ask your self is this new handle design, materials or blade style really going to improve what I do with the knife. Do not get caught up in a brand new model this year.
Now, after you think and decide there's nothing wrong with two or three knives that are planning to take into account, then proceed to select one based application that looks and feels the best for you. Here is where the emotional connection comes in.
Knife collecting is fun, but think before you buy. In this way you do not end up having five or ten knives in a drawer gathering dust or sale ebay for half the price paid for them.
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Nice post. Well written. But I have to disagree with you. With patience you can find <a href=">cheap knives made with quatlity construction</a>. Not much different than patiently shopping for the right investment vehicle.