Friday, August 24, 2012

5 Factors of effective eCommerce Web Site Design

An eCommerce web site provides a secure Internet-based system for transactions between a company and a customer. And 'possible to use multimedia presentations to help customers in their purchasing decisions, provide support for live customer inquiries, take and fulfill orders, and also provide real-time monitoring of the deliveries for physical products. Whatever the function of these websites, e-commerce may have a primary purpose, and that is to bring in sales for the company 24 hours a day.

Although the creation of a web site e-commerce has never been easier, the biggest challenge for most companies is to set-up an effective website that tirelessly pulls-in sales for the day company and day out.

The crucial element is the design and structure of your eCommerce web site. This will make or break your online business. It 's like having an engine of 200 horses, but without the right frame, ends nowhere.

So, in order to ensure a good return on time, money and ability to be invested, be sure to consider these factors.

1. Answer to question # 1 in the mind of your customer

All e-commerce websites successfully know how to answer a critical question for customer - "What's in it for me?" Let's face it, all customers are "me-oriented." You yourself are a customer and can attest that before you give any little 'attention to a product or service must first answer, "what's in Serbian for you?"

So, if you do not give visitors a reason to worry about your product or service, no amount of sophistication to your e-commerce site can provide the sale.

2. Organized content

Ever been in a market where every vendor yells about everything they have to offer? Not only is it confusing, it is irritating. This would also be the case if you are trying to present all the products benefits, features, pricing and promotions on one page.

So, structure your content wisely. Categorize your products or services based on functionality, performance, functionality, color or size. However, always put yourself in the shoes of your customers. Organize your products / services on how you think your customers will find better and decide on what he or she is seeking.

3. Use colors and images to your advantage

Colors and images inspire feelings. It is no coincidence that coffee such as Starbucks and Coffee Bean are using almost the same colors and images. Entering them instantly feel soothed by the atmosphere and the comfortable chairs invite you to sit back, relax, forget about the world while enjoying the warm aroma and taste of coffee.

In much the same way, the correct use of color and images within your eCommerce web site will set the mood for your customers to stay a while ', read, watch or listen to what your product can do for them .

4. No longer for sale or promise

Nothing will keep a customer-ons for his wallet and ran away faster than a commercial sales pitch sound. No matter how other sellers who guarantee that is effective, does not degrade your website to play like a used car salesman.

Your website should convey a lot of credibility and prestige to earn your trust with customers.

And finally ...

5. High touch vs. high tech

There is no doubt that e-commerce web site has a lot of complications wired into it in order to more quickly process transactions online at any time. It 'a lot' more efficient than taking a lot of sales people to handle each client in a one-on-one. However, you should never use the 'high-techness' of your website to impress your customers. Gone are the days when people are amazed by the technology. In fact, some are already sick from it.

Instead your eCommerce web site should interact with customers the way a real person would. It should be intuitive user interface where only the information and functions relevant to the customer are presented to him or her.

Since people want information and they want it now, your eCommerce web site should create the impression that you can quickly meet their needs....

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