Friday, August 10, 2012
Proposal For Literary Analysis: The Age
When analyzing a work, you must place it at the time: year, century, the name of the time, current period or literary or artistic work. Green Moon novel by Joaquin Bethlehem, for example, was published in 1951, which is located in the twentieth century, Modern Age, the novel Full Moon Sinan, was published in 1947, which is located in the Century XX, Modern Age, specifically in the current called Avant-Garde.
We must always place the work discussed in one of the following periods, current or literary periods:
Literatures of the Ancient East: Starts at about the fifteenth century Greco-Roman Classical ACÉpoca: From the ninth century BC to the V century DCED Media: From century to the fifteenth century V DC In Spain, E. Literary Media starts in the tenth century Renaissance: In the sixteenth century. In Italy starts earlier in the century XIII.Barroco: During XVII.Neoclasicismo century: During XVIII.Romanticismo century: During the first half of XIX.Realismo and Naturalism: During the second half of the twentieth century XIX.Literatura: Modernism, Avant-Garde, etc..
We must also know lasépocas place ourselves in History:
Antiquity: From the invention of writing (about the year 4500 BC) until the year 476 AD, when the fall of Western Roman Empire in the hands of bárbaros.Edad Media: From AD 476 until 1453 with the fall of Constantinople to the Turks (according to some) or until the year 1492 with the discovery of America (others). Modern Age: From 1453 or 1492 until 1789 with the Revolution Francesa.Edad Contemporary: From 1789 to today.
1.1. Literary period features
The basic characteristics of different literary periods or periods or dualities are contrasts: reason, passion, reason, sensibility, reason, imagination, realism, idealism, realism, fiction, fantasy, reality, material and spiritual, natural-supernatural, human- divine, objective-subjective, bottom-form, concrete-abstract, plausible-implausible, rules-invention, imitation, genius, humanity and divinity, earthly-heavenly-engaged art pure art, formal clarity, confusion formal, simple and direct language indirect-adorned language, rationality, mythical, and so on.
In the Classic Greco-Latin there is a balance between the planes of all dualities, in the Baroque gives an ideological conflict or confusion between the planes of the dualities, in twentieth century literature, due to the large number of literary movements and trends can not establish a general pattern in terms of basic dualities of literature. In other times there is a predominance of one of the two planes: in some periods (Renaissance, Neoclassicism, Realism) predominant plane of reason and plans related to it, for example, realism, material, objective, etc.., in the past (Eastern Literature, Middle Ages, Romanticism) dominates the level of sensitivity and related plans: the passions, the imagination, idealism, subjective, and so on.
It must be noted that generalizations are sometimes exposed exceptions at certain times.
Apart from the contrasting dualities, there are other typical features of each of the different literary periods. We find, in addition to the contrasts, the other features of the literature of the period to which the work belongs to analyze.
In analyzing this issue, we must mention the period features that are reflected in the work. Then, in the development of writing, sustained as reflecting the characteristics (a characteristic paragraph). Finally, in a separate paragraph, express a conclusion or opinion.
Final remark: Here we have focused mainly common or general features of the literature of the time. Although this study involved considering many social aspects that we can not decouple from the literary, we consider the special characteristics of the society of the time (political, religious, economic, moral, educational, psychological, historical, geographical, etc..) Should be studied with special emphasis to address issues of documentary value, character, commitment and human values.
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