Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Sadness ¿?, Depression?, ¿Dysthymia ?...¿ When Worrying And When Consult!?
The increasingly rapid pace and diverse modern world imposes on us the way we psingular added to meet the challenges that life brings has subsequently generated a general feeling of unhappiness.
Psychology shows us how human beings are encouraged to live each day in search of happiness, and just the lack of this is what keeps us active in the various spheres of life.
In everyday language the term has been generalized depression, becoming so used that is fashionable, the problem is often used incorrectly. Therefore it is important to know when it is simply a manifestation of mood psingulares according to situations for which traverses and to discriminate when to worry and seek help, because it is a very serious disease.
Feeling sad or "depressed? not enough to claim that they suffer from depression, to this reality comes to us the question: When to Worry?
It is important to be aware that sadness or low energy state has a consistent explanation at the time that occurs and which does not have a duration longer than six months.
The disease has nothing to do with the apathy towards the student's life that it has suspended six subjects, or who has lost his job less than a month, it is a normal human reaction, even healthy and as such should be treated.
But as David Barlow (founder and director emeritus of the Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders of the University of Boston.) In an interview granted to the medical advisor Dr. Carlos Fernandez eltiempo newspaper published in its November 17, 2008 These factors may influence who developed the disease, because mental health statistics show an increase in the prevalence of these disorders because according Barlow "The increased levels of stress and disruption that occurs in social networks and family when people leave their environment and change of site for housing and work, which is more common now?.
The danger of generalizing the term can lead to neglect of the interest in finding an effective cure to the disease. To clarify this point, Professor Salvador Cervera, University of Navarra, said at the recent International Health Conference held in Rome, the difference between illness and disease of depression
As noted by Salvador Cervera in his article entitled "depression much more than sadness? depression as a pathological condition is lost the satisfaction of living, the ability to act and hope to regain wellness. It is accompanied by clinical manifestations in the field of mood (sadness, loss of interest, apathy, lack of sense of hope), thinking (decreased ability to concentrate, indecisiveness, pessimism, death wish, etc..), The psychomotor activity (inhibition, slowness, lack of communication or anxiety, restlessness and hyperactivity) and somatic manifestations (insomnia, changes in appetite and body weight, decreased sex drive, loss of energy, fatigue, etc.). This set of symptoms show that we are dealing with a specific disease state, clearly distinct from normal sadness and acquiring well-defined shapes and intensities.
In this sense we have established various clinical forms of depression internationally accepted that low to high intensity are: depressive reaction, depressive disorder, dysthymia, bipolar disorder, organic depressive disorder, melancholic depression, and psychotic depression. Each one of them with well-established clinical differentiating features.
As noted by Dr. Franklin Escobar, professor of the Faculty of Medicine, National University of Colombia, is chronic dysthymic disorder characterized by depressed mood or irritable, most often in children and adolescents, which remains the largest part of the day, almost daily.
The word dysthymia means "bad mood? Involves dysphoria temperamental, ie an innate tendency to depressed mood.
Dysthymic disorder is common in the general population and affects 3% to 5% of individuals. Psychiatric services in general practice and often the diagnosis and affects about one third to half of those examined at these clinics.
Depression and associated diseases are disorders whose onset is usually early in life, with a relapsing after a first episode in early adulthood.
So we should be concerned when the sadness is the mood that characterizes us, especially when we feel the inability to enjoy situations, things or people that we produce pleasurable sensations in the past.
When to consult?
According to the diagnostic manual of mental disorders there are some criteria to determine whether the presence of the disease and that can be taken as warning signs and seek professional merits, for there is much at risk and worth living life fully there are solutions that therapists can bring to us.
According to the Colombian Association Against Depression and Panic (ASODEP), if you have at least two of these symptoms is important to seek help:
Mood sad, anxious or "empty? persistently.
Feelings of hopelessness and / or pessimism.
Feelings of guilt, worthlessness and / or helplessness.
Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities you once enjoyed, including sex.
Insomnia, early morning awakening, or oversleeping.
Loss of appetite and / or weight, or conversely overeating and weight gain.
Decreased energy, fatigue, feeling sluggish.
Thoughts of death or suicide.
Difficulty concentrating, remembering or making decisions.
Persistent physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment, such as headaches, digestive disorders and chronic pain.
The Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) sets out some general criteria combined with the above description it can have a clearer picture of the symptoms and whether they should suspect disease or not, these are according to the following condition:
Depression: At least two (2) weeks of depressed mood or loss of interest accompanied by at least four symptoms described above.
Dysthymic disorder: The carateriza for at least two (2) years in which there were more days with depressive mood that without it, along with some depressive symptoms, but do not meet the criteria of depressive disorder.
So if you have experienced any of these situations and feel that their quality of life deteriorated as a result of this feeling it is time to seek help.
What kind of help is better?
According to psychologist David Barlow, there is no single cause for these disorders. No one can say that the fault in a gene or the influence of external stressors cause depression by themselves. The factors are closely related, genetic and biological alterations, which some people have and others do not, are the setting in which social factors can trigger these vulnerabilities. This is why it is necessary to support psychological support even as the only recovery mechanism.
In addition, Barlow says that "They spend billions on drug promotion, but there is an industry that promotes psychological treatments. And although the drug does not directly opposed, in fact do nothing to promote real simultaneous application of both treatments. Worryingly, evidence begins to appear in some cases, drug treatment may interfere with psychological treatments, such as diazepam, lorazepam and clonazepam.?
How effective are psychological treatment?
For most disorders, on average everyone is as effective as drug treatments in the short term, but unlike these, when psychological treatment is discontinued are maintained long-term effects. In addition, no adverse reactions.
Psychologists practice in a wide range of specialized areas and workplaces. Specialization is the best known clinical psychologist or counselor psycho / counselor, who can ask about personal issues or relationships.
Psingular: Guidance for Decision Making has developed specific strategies for the corporate segment and individual in personal, vocational, and employment. Make K-Tharsis {!} (Http:// is the psychological services online (or virtual or Internet) through which Psingular is about quickly and easily to your users, no matter what type of assistance required, or where you are.
Psychotherapy by telephone is an effective alternative to traditional treatment. Patients with depression, anxiety, phobias, live outside their country of origin and not yet comfortable with the new language to attend consultations, your job requires frequent moves, etc ... left to go to the psychologist for negligence, lack of time, or simply a lack of encouragement, make the telephone and internet tools an effective alternative capable of overcoming all these obstacles.
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