Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A thought to ponder taken into account (III / III)

Do not ask for more. Limit yourself to hear the sound of the pines when the wind is calm. Ryonan


Zen, Buddhism for concrete in the East, particularly Japan and China, we bequeath wonderful teachings that deepened in them, implement them to work together for our spiritual growth, that is why in this last article we go a little some thoughts, thoughts that lay Zen in particular.

Zen Buddhism emerged as a synthesis between Taoism and Mahayana Buddhism, is a school of traditional education that has as principle the belief that all beings possess a Buddha nature, so you know oneself is to know and be the essence of Buddha.

Zen philosophy is a unique blend of philosophies and idiosyncrasies of three different cultures. It is a typically Japanese way of life, yet reflects the mysticism of India, the love of naturalness and spontaneity of Taoism and deep pragmatism Confucian mind

It reminds us that the teaching of Zen uses a direct method to achieve the awakening of the adept is a system that leads to metaphysics directly, taking the time to support this ritual, the natural, spontaneous and friendly, that is, his daily life. But it is the student to see it all again, to get to observe the reality remains "hidden before your eyes," but that is not achieved by correcting any visual anomaly: the psyche that must be retrained, and This obviously requires a method capable of achieving the necessary psychological breakdown level

Keep in mind what Dogen says: We are as clouds swept through births and deaths. The path of ignorance and the way we walk lighting dreaming. Only one thing still remains in my memory, even after awakening: the sound of the rain that night I heard a Fukakusa withdrawal.

Reflections. Thoughts to be considered

When Po-chang was asked to define Zen, he said, "When I have hunger as when I'm tired, I sleep." Although this sounds simple and obvious, like many things in Zen, is indeed a difficult task. To recover the naturalness of our original nature requires long training and is a great spiritual achievement. In the words of a famous Zen saying: Before studying Zen, mountains are mountains and rivers are rivers, while you are studying Zen, mountains are no longer mountains and rivers are not rivers, but once you reach the lighting the mountains are again mountains and rivers again rivers. The Zen based all his teaching to try to draw attention to the action (including mental) present, but action is not what interests the Zen, but the immutable principle that every action depends. What R. Guénon called "action of presence," that which remains when the mental vacuum is produced, is the essence of ZenUn warrior was captured by his enemies and imprisoned. I could not sleep that night because I knew that tomorrow was going to be interrogated, tortured and executed. It came to mind the words of his Zen master: "Tomorrow is not real.

It is an illusion. The only reality is now. The real pain is to live knowing this Dharma (teaching). "In her terror, suddenly understood the meaning of these words, he felt at peace and lay followers of Zen tranquilamenteDos were a day arguing over doctrine. One, called Chokei, said: - Even a fully enlightened arhat can be said that still harbors some of the three passions that poison (greed, anger and madness), but as the Buddha, never makes a wrong statement. Anything that claims to absolute truth. What do you say to this? Hofuku answered: - What is that statement of the Buddha? - The deaf can not hear. - You're down to a secondary level. - What, then, according to you, the affirmation of the Buddha? - Take a cup of tea, brother monk

When a blind man was saying goodbye to his friend, he gave him a lamp. "I do not need the lamp, because for me, lightness or darkness have no difference," said the blind. "I know this, but if it takes, maybe other people bump into you," said his friend. - "Okay" After walking in the dark ran into another person .... - "Oops," said the blind. - "There!" Said the person shocked by the blind in the dark. - "Do you not see this lamp?" The blind man said angrily. - "Friends! The lamp was turned off" a man's wife was very ill. On his deathbed he says, "I love you too!, I will not leave you, and I will not betray me. Promise you will not see other women when I come back to haunt you or die. For several months after her husband's death prevented other women, but she met someone and fell in love. On the night he committed, the ghost of his dead wife appeared. She accused him of not fulfilling the promise, and came back to haunt him every night. The ghost remembered everything that had passed him and his fiancee that day, to the point of repeating, word for word, conversations they'd had.

This is so upset he could not sleep at all. Desperate sought the advice of a Zen master who lived near the village. "This is very clever ghost," said the teacher after hearing the story of man. "It is!" Replied the man. "Remember every detail of what I said and did. He knows everything!" The teacher smiled. "You should admire a ghost as well, but I'll tell you what to do next time it appears." That night the ghost returned. The man did exactly what he had told the teacher. "You are a very wise ghost," he said, "You know I can not hide anything. If you can answer a question, break the engagement and remain single for the rest of my life" . "Ask the question," replied the ghost. The man took a handful of beans in a large backpack that was on the floor, "Tell me exactly how many beans I have in my hand." At that moment the ghost disappeared and never came más.Existía a very rich man who despite having a lot of money was a petty nature. Not stand the fact of spending even a penny of your money. A beautiful day, the Master Ch `an (Zen) Mo (silent) Hsin (God) came to visit. -The monk said: "Suppose my fist was closed and forever, from birth to death, without change, how call this ?..." - "An abnormality (strain)." - "Suppose that this hand was open and forever, from birth to death, without change, how call this ?..." - "That would be an abnormality." - "Only you must understand what we just talk, to become a rich and happy. (Www.oshogulaab.com)

** Different specialized web pages on the subject.



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