Thursday, August 9, 2012

Perpetrator of the Unreal

Author: © Jesús Alejandro Godoy

Motivated by the ambiguity of my nights and the bane of my days, I decided once and for all of me every moment of the world and live life every night and the moments of all the stories. I got carried first by the unconsciousness of my act and then relaxed my madness to me and told me that the impossible was only the dream makers tortured, and unattainable, the appalling cry of life for those who leave your company . I dreamed about it day and night and day and night frantically trying to walk in all the way, kissing everyone's lips, enjoy all the bodies, to worship all gods die all deaths, see all the heavens, mourn all moons, sunrises awaken in all and thanks for all the stories live in the world. Happy, meek of options, something new and feverish joys, my shadow fall afternoon in front of me stopped and I snapped his displeasure loudly because of following my lifestyle. I explained that I wanted to live all the lives and perceive every moment, she told me that was impossible and shook his head and kicking in the gutter with your foot black tip, began to mourn and informed me that I leave to never to return.

There was no discussion or rancor. I thanked him for having endured only follow my steps and where I was. My shadow, only shrugged his shoulders and even missed doubling sobbing in a corner.

I continued with my order stuck in the morning: I laughed at times, the latter were astonished at my life and the years fell silent at my job. And like my shadow, one night my soul took refuge in a desolate corner of my room and told me I could not stand the constant change in my beliefs, positions, destinations and elections, and almost shouting told me to leave by another body who liked to enjoy the flowers, the streets and skies on Sunday, and not go running over the time aimlessly trying to absorb the scent of all flowers, of all places and trying to burn all their retinas heavens ... I explained some things that are intimate and irrelevant, then flee in terror almost through a wall of my house. I moved both anger and desolation I felt betrayed, but still intent on my end, I left the next morning to sail all the rivers, to hurt from all the brokenhearted, to mourn the dead, to celebrate all newborns and admire those who performed heroic acts.

That same day, and some exhausted, my heart revealed my end and I expressed disappointment, I for my part, I explained that I was just so full, and not a lot to be elusive, the magic and wonder . He enraged and rampant as never heard, I shouted that I was a perpetrator of the unreal, crazy degenerate only spent his time at the time, his days in the days and his life and in life. Shouting also emerged as a stumbling drunk without warning me not to try to find it because he would never beat me. The following days were a real torture: my eyes, my tongue, my arms, my legs, and then everything else, were added to the discontent of my shadow, my soul and my heart. And seeing that he had lost in me, and she could not mobilize for so persecuted my end, I decided to stay static in my bed and calm my mind thinking about what he had seen and experienced.

Some said they died, others disappeared or got rid of me, others I was abducted by strange beings, and others said they went around looking for even a reason to live. I do not know for sure where I was or that he has been for me what I can say is that my essence is still remembering what I have seen and lived, and when she rises to the wind to get away from my memories, I'll tell great architect reassemble again to devote my parts to find the moments of all the stories ... I stay silent, I will not leave here. Not for now. I'll keep waiting.

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