Monday, August 6, 2012

Did we forget to Libya Mr. Obama?

Jose Brechner

What happens is that as President Obama assumes the leadership of the rebellion against Gaddafi, as he did against Mubarak (because Gaddafi and Mubarak left is conservative), and Europeans have the guts to take the lead only when it tries to attack Israel do not depend on its oil, the world forgot the Libyan murderer.

It is that leftists are very brave and united against right-wing allies, but when it comes to one of the overthrow of their ideology euphemisms spring protectors of dictatorship

The mission was to overthrow Gaddafi Libya and encourage Islamic democracy. Political contradiction and absurd lie. Where Islam dominates, there can be no democracy. Both are mutually exclusive.

The slimy Jimmy Carter visited Cuba to corroborate his fondness for Castro. The brothers proposing reforms were ratified in power with the support of his party and as the pair of criminals remained in government for half a century, the same can happen with Gaddafi, while Washington does not perform actions determinants.

The audacity of leftist Latin American dictatorships is no different to that of Muammar Gaddafi, Bashar Al Assad or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, that is dangerous for Obama to be the leader of the free world and then become president. The damage caused by Carter as governor, was the spark that encouraged the totalitarian leftist Chavez and company style.

Mr. Obama disappeared from the map of the Middle East re-election and began his career with two years in advance, for each public presentation is a campaign, as if we had some of that.

Surprisingly, to avoid discomfort to the Nobel Peace Prize, NATO and the United States are ready to find a peaceful solution to the Libyans. They called with startling originality: "Road Map". What in political terms means that Gaddafi may be ruling the time it pleases, while not attacking their opponents and they will provide oil.

It is assumed that NATO is one of the intellectual cream of the world warrior, laden with medals blinding filled jackets. Nevertheless, it seems that whenever the military making policy decisions, they are wrong. And when politicians make military decisions more or less the same thing happens.

Seeks to overthrow a government by air, without annihilating the local population, is among the most spectacular idiotic story. An example of the lack of discretion of the resident in the White House and its general obedience.

Obama's ideological coincidence with Gaddafi, make the U.S. does not want to act decisively and that position has been infected Europeans that U.S. leadership hoped to go to war, which in any way is inevitable. No matter if you spend one to 10 years. Muslims and the West will find themselves in the field of battle.

The issue is that Gaddafi is in government. His son tried to take power. (Go to knowing how's the family relationship). The incompetent and costly NATO is not able to make decisions. Obama suffers the pain of Gaddafi, as he also wanted to stay 40 years on Pennsylvania Avenue. All these highly paid bureaucrats do nothing conclusive and are hiding behind each other, hoping that the head of the free world to make a decision which was taken the first day that the conflict arose.

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