Wednesday, September 12, 2012

TIUOA - The indiscriminate use of acronyms

People love to use acronyms. I'd assume it's because we think so fast we need to condense our word to compensate, to use acronyms to speed things up, but I could be wrong. Acronyms are particularly rampant in chat rooms. If you've been to one, you know how hard it is to understand what people are saying that if you do not know acronyms such as LOL and BRB.

Fortunately - or unfortunately, as the case maybe - technical professions are full of them. Perhaps it is because they are easier to use or they are simply faster to say. Or, maybe it's because they help the person uses to establish his mental superiority. Whatever the reason, our jobs are full of them and serve their purposes.

But technical acronyms also have a downside. Those on the business side of the ledger does not always know what they mean. A company I worked, had an incredible collection of acronyms, that employees used freely, too freely. They have become so ingrained in the culture of the organization, but sometimes interfered with communications with customers, costing the company business.

If you are in sales, you must be careful of acronyms. While they have their positive aspects, can cost you if you're not careful when and how you use them.

A simple example. A sales engineer giving a presentation explaining how a protocol works and equipment as functions of the company in respect to it. He or she understands those acronyms and uses them in the presentation of the communication speed. That's great, if the sales engineer is talking to the right people. Otherwise, he or she can cut his throat.

If the audience consists of business decision-makers, it is likely that they may not know what the initials represent. More importantly, it may not matter. Their main concern at present is to find out if your product or service solves their problem, if they knew they had or not.

What happens when you use an acronym that strange? They're both going to ask what it means either they're going to try to decipher it. If they ask for its meaning, you can look smart by telling them, but you interrupted the presentation. If you decide to read it, they're going to stop paying attention while their processors decipher "the code". In both cases, no good.

Here is another example. Often, refrain from asking customers about an acronym because they are intimidated or embarrassed. You're not familiar with it, but since they did not ask about it and are sitting in your presentation, you automatically assume they know what it means. The communication is blocked. It is also good.

Then there is the issue of ambiguity. If you use an acronym and does not explain the meaning, the audience may not be clear on what you are saying.

Take the "TLA". This acronym could stand for an acronym of three letters or two-letter may stand for Acronym. It could also stand for other things. Some of my favorites are

or Tax Lien Association

Living Allowance or temporary

Territorial Local Authority or

or Texas Lawyers

Tadpole's Liberation Army, or (my favorite)

and many more ...

OK, I exaggerate. It is likely that these terms are not in a technical sales presentation. But I think you get the idea. So how do you manage acronyms if you're making a technical presentation of sale?

Here are my recommendations ...

If you are providing a flyer, create a section for acronyms.
If you are doing a PowerPoint presentation, explaining the symbols, when they came out.
Try gaging technical knowledge of your audience. (If you think your audience has a high level of technical knowledge, not to explain the acronym. You do not want to be seen as a baby-sitter explain TCP / IP to a more advanced audience.)
If you are a company or related acronym is an industry standard dark, do not hesitate to explain its meaning when it comes up.
Acronyms are a fact of life. I'm here to stay and we are going to be using until you start to use telepathy to communicate. In the meantime, be careful with acronyms During a presentation of the selling. It can cost you.
Now, go ', sell and remember to keep it light! ......

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