Sunday, September 2, 2012

The PowerPoint presentations are great, but Are You involve the audience?

Getting an audience interested in your presentation is a challenge. No matter the technology used, whether it is a PowerPoint, chalkboard, charts or other visual media, is your delivery, preparation, or lack of it affecting performance.

The Buzz Is In The Telling

If you have been a lot of seminars or webinars, you can count on one hand the few who stood out. Ask yourself what you like about those shows. Probably these are the highlights:

1. Presentation of good material.

2. Good reporting.

3. Great speakers.

4. Participants lively.

In hindsight, you realize that what made the extraordinary activity has been your active participation in almost all activities. She asked lots of questions and were satisfied with the answers, and probably liked what you saw in almost all PowerPoint presentations.

But it is not actually PowerPoint presentations that were interesting was what you got. Have you learned anything from the discussion, while PowerPoint was used only as a visual aid. You have been an active participant as the others. No one was ready to run toward the door. People wanted to know more and discuss more.

You got the point that the presentation was so successful in the show and talk about ideas. The approach has been able to take out or involve the participants. Some of them recall the discussion and PowerPoint presentations to everyone.

Repetition Count and Anecdotes

Have you noticed that the speaker has the participants at ease. He was not nasty jokes. Just ask how people felt or if they were ready for the next round of discussion stirred people to action.

The Speaker (already introduced) begins by telling the public what is going to discuss. During his discussion, guide the audience by telling them that now is ready to launch on the second or third or the last of his presentation. All the while, invites people to ask questions.

He repeats what he said as if to drive the idea and incorporate it into their minds. Do not just say, but it shows how things are done. To find out if people are on his wavelength, asking questions, not only to test their understanding, but to measure the level of public interest as well. It 'follows the course outlined in his discussion, but make sure that before launching the next stage, the audience learned something.

He injeced stories and parables to his repertoire, or provided analogies. These subtle techniques used to repeat his theme and goal. At this point, he already understood the dynamics of the group and responded accordingly.

Create a dynamic relationship

This does not mean you have to spruce up your PowerPoint presentations. Do not make the mistake of cramming all the content in the slides. Slide should serve as a clue to what you are going to work. Remember the guy who has read his slides, without visual contact with the public? It was a bore.

Make an outline of your PowerPoint presentations without ever losing sight of your goal. Guided by your plan and your thorough preparation (also a dry run to get an estimate of how long you plan to submit your ideas), you can be sure to involve the public .......

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