Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Need more customers? Here are some ideas that just might work for you

Here are some tips and ideas to help you Get MoreCustomers.

The customers are a pain ... Who needs it!

Unfortunately we all do. Yes, it's sad but true.

I think there are customers, and then there are the customers.

Some customers are simply fabulous and others are simply painful. I always wince when I cast my mind back to when I owned a local franchise of a national printing franchise.

Until then I thought that Union Bank tellers some type of substance abused when germination is "very stressful job with the public"

I thought that launch.

But ... One day, while standing at the counter of the franchise print praying for the next customer to be somewhere close to normal, I was impressed.

"Working with the general public is extremely stressful, not to mention plian bloody annoying"

I digress ... slightly.

I'm not really, because every entrepreneur I've ever met would love to cut loose a percentage of customers who are more than just oxygen thieves.

So, how can you replace the customers you want to lose, or those who simply disappear.

Recently, new strategies are emerging for almost everything.

In principle, the Internet is responsible for this.

He created a whole new world of communication which of course includes communication with customers and prospects.

Traditional methods of acquiring new customers are given away at the age of the Internet in the first place because you can reach literally millions of people quickly, at very little cost.

Coca Cola's marketing budget.

If you do not have a marketing budget somewhere close to that of Coca Cola, the odd billboard here and there, radio / TV ads or print ads will not really get many new customers.

These are good strategies to nurture existing customers (hey we're still here), but generally do not work well for small and medium seeking to attract new businesses.

In particular, in the business-to-business situations.

On top of that, advertising is, or has become overwhelming to the point that the consumer is blind to it.

At more than 1,000 commercial messages a day, we do not see them anymore.

Marketing Seth Godin's book has made it possible, he says that the average person sees over 1,000 advertising messages a day (I lent the book recently and I'm trying to guess the number), so we just stop seeing them.

Thus, advertising agencies continue to try to devise new ways to attract our attention, which in turn creates more sales messages.

So, in the eyes of Seth, the message is clear.

We need to create mechanisms of direct response marketing that drives potential customers to call.

It's called permission marketing - turning strangers into acquaintances and acquaintances into customers.

It 'really direct response marketing, which works very well.

In short, direct response marketing presents an attractive offer to potential customers with a call to action supported by a gift.

I use a number of changes in direct response marketing in my work and it is my primary source of new customers.

The changes that I use are the sales letters and e-mail.

If your going to send a large amount of sales letters at the time, I would suggest using the services of a mailing house. Take the pain out of it.

However, if you plan to send letters in small batches as I do, then do it in-house.

After the mailing, follow up every sales letter by phone, record the answer and call today and continue to do so to obtain an order or tell you to bugger off.

Many prospects will simply be uninterested, so do not call them anymore.

In a period of time, you will begin to build a relationship with the outlook remaining and become quite friendly with them.

After all, this is your goal.

In most cases, there probably longer speak for the prospects that their current provider.

You'll be on top of their mind when they next order.

So it's only a matter of time before the opportunity comes.

With the e-mail, is a set and forget system and I really do not contact them personally until they want to talk with me.

There are many ways to acquire new customers and strategy for your currently in use can work very well for you.

However, if you need more customers who really should have a number of strategies in place. It's always worth looking into every opportunity to get new clients as some will have more success than others.

So, keep an open mind, open your eyes and your ears sharp. You never know when a great opportunity will present itself....

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